
Request Tom why: Is there a counterpart to the northern lights in the Southern Hemisphere? - chicagotribune.com

Request Tom why: Is there a counterpart to the northern lights in the Southern Hemisphere? - chicagotribune.com

Expensive Tom,
Is there a cheap nfl jerseys counterpart to the northern lighting in the Southern Hemisphere? We never listen to about them.
—Ann Callaway, Gurnee

Expensive Ann,
The southern lighting, also acknowledged as the aurora australis, offer each and every bit as stunning a exhibit as their Northern Hemisphere equivalent, the aurora borealis. Even so, we Arsenal jerseys seldom hear significantly about them because they are mainly seen in Antarctica, an uninhabited continent apart from for scientists who gentleman analysis stations. The strongest wholesale NFL jerseys auroral shows can be witnessed about 40 degrees from the poles which occasionally makes it possible for Chicagoans soccer jersey cheap to see the northern lighting. Nevertheless, in the Southern Hemisphere the only land cheap nfl jerseys masses in between the South Pole and 40 degrees south latitude are the skinny suggestion of South America, New Zealand and Tasmania, which are very good spots to watch them for the duration of our summer season due to the lengthy winter season nights  down under. 

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